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Staying Healthy at Home

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

All across the world, we are focused on staying well and maintaining our health during this unprecedented time with the fight against the spread of the COVID.

Many of us are feeling isolated and concerned about missing family, friends, work, school and other important aspects of our daily lives as we focus on staying healthy and keep others healthy too by practicing social-distancing.

How can we stay healthy at home? Here are a few tips to help keep you eating healthy and fit during this time of social-distancing.

Eating Healthfully

As we head to the grocery store for a couple essentials, many of the grocery store aisles have already gone empty in the way of breads, rice, pastas and other non-perishables as people plan to hunker down.

If you are looking for smart choices to fill your cabinets, go for grains like: quinoa or farro. These grains are packed with fiber and protein and can be cooked easily like rice. Dried beans are also a great source or protein and fiber that won't cost a lot and will fill you up. Recipes for cooking beans are often included on the back of these packages- don't forget seasonings if desired.

Vegetables with a long shelf life like sweet potatoes, onions, garlic and squash do not need to be refrigerated and will usually stay good for 2 weeks, if not longer.

Fruits like apples, citrus, pomegranates and pears will also keep for a couple weeks or more and do not require refrigeration (although it may extend the life of some of these).

Frozen vegetables are also a great and healthy option. Many frozen vegetables are even fresher than their fresh counterparts, as these veggies are frozen right away and do not sit around on store shelves losing nutrients as they age. Items like frozen spinach, broccoli, mushrooms and more are great way to get your vegetables in and can easily be mixed in with a protein to make a complete meal.

Meat is also still available at grocery stores and we don't expect it to disappear for those of you who are dedicated carnivores. Frozen unprocessed meats are always a good option so you don't have to worry about anything spoiling. If you don't already have a vacuum sealer, I highly recommend getting one. This is a great way to package up any meats you don't intend to eat right away and will help everything packed stay fresh longer.

What about Fitness?

Many of us have had our normal workout routines upended as gyms have been closed and things have been cancelled across the nation.

Take it Outside! If you haven't already, incorporate some time outdoors into your new daily routine. Whether it's going for a walk, riding a bike, playing active games outside with your kids (Tag anyone?) or even an outdoor meditation if you have just a few minutes. Warning: spending time outdoors regularly can help increase joy and result in better sleep.

Want More? Check out an online workout, fitness class video or live virtual class with your favorite instructor. As business closings are affecting even instructors, many of your local instructors may have a new virtual presence online.

If you are looking to join METFitness for Virtual Online Workouts, stay tuned! We will have more info soon to help keep you fit at home.

From all of us here at METFitness stay healthy and keep moving!


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